naugahide: “Drunken Sailor” I know I haven’t made one of these in a while. 😞 A few weeks ago I printed the cello music of this for my daughter to keep her playing over the summer but she played it just once I think. The melody of course stuck with me so I decided I could make a mashup with it. I think it’s a fiddle tune? Or at minimum a drinking song. 🍻😆
#violin #fiddle #banjo #guitar #acousticguitar #cajon #cello #celloasbass #acapella #acapellaapp #mixcord #onemanband #oneminutecover #1minutecover #DrunkenSailor #drinkingsong #fiddletune #musicbynaug #focusrite #shure #sm57 @musicbynaug
naugahide: “Drunken Sailor” I know I haven’t made one of these in a while. 😞 A few weeks ago I printed the cello music of this for my daughter to keep her playing over the summer but she played it just once I think. The melody of course stuck with me so I decided I could make a mashup with it. I think it’s a fiddle tune? Or at minimum a drinking song. 🍻😆 #violin #fiddle #banjo #guitar #acousticguitar #cajon #cello #celloasbass #acapella #acapellaapp #mixcord #onemanband #oneminutecover #1minutecover #DrunkenSailor #drinkingsong #fiddletune #musicbynaug #focusrite #shure #sm57 @musicbynaug
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