taymadefit: Per request from @balancewithclaire here are a couple oblique exercises I do (you can laugh at my facial expressions in first video, I did 🙈🙈😂) I do 15-20reps of each & 4-5sets. I don't focus on my obliques much anymore as feedback from judges at my past two shows was "lay off obliques" haha I take that as a complement. 😊😊 so I did very little oblique work now. I always try to get feedback from the judges at shows I compete in because it is a great learning tool and always you to work on your weaknesses and grow with your strengths. Please feel free to comment with any questions or if you would like to see any exercises. Love sharing my passion for fitness & health. #TaylerMadeFitness #personaltrainer #worldgymkc #girlswholift #bebetter #stayhumble #lovetohelp #npcfigure #girlswithmuscles