becoming_alpha: Well, HERE WE GO!!! Now, I know that there are many fitness channels on YouTube for you to watch, but after months of thinking and debating, I figured I'll join the mix too. My first reason is to inspire and encourage others by sharing a little of piece of myself. It's not impossible to get healthy. I know it's cliche but, IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT!! πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ’₯πŸ’ͺ🏾 Secondly, I think it will be therapeutic to share MY STORY!! Everyone has a story that deserves to be told!! The people in my day to day life are not very interested in my story, but I gotta tell someone...even if it's just a camera. Not that I'm anyone special by any means, because all weight loss is a victory, but I've lost over 100 pounds, and not many people can say that. I understand the struggles... physical, emotion and mental. I've gone through the hills and valleys and I still travels them each day. ...and third, which is a very personal and funny reason, I WANT TO GET BETTER AT USING TECHNOLOGY AND STUFF! Growing up, I didn't have a computer and in his high school and college, it really wasn't necessary (yeah, I'm that old) so I never took the time to learn anything more than checking my emails and writing a paper in a word or office document. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! So here we go...I have a good idea of what I want to talk about, EVERYTHING!!! STAY TUNED!!... #beforeandafter #becomingalpha #youtubefitness #bodybuilding #firstimovie #imovie #youtube #eatcleanliftheavy #exercise #fitness #iphone #getshitdone #health #healthandfitness #igfitfam #inspire #jimstoppani #liftheavy #loveyourself #muscles #motivation #selfrespect #supportabiggie #shortcuttoshreds #teamfatasstobadass #theroadto199 #weightlifting #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation