docmerglfitness: I haven't done a video in quite some time so here goes. Today was back day and honestly I never work traps because they are just big naturally. But the offseason is about bettering an entire package so traps are included. I go HEAVYYY. I absolutely love that feeling. Shrugs for me are a more complex exercise than people give it credit for. How often do you see that one dude barely getting a shrug with heavy weight or the other that rotates his shoulders while doing it? 😵😵😵😵 focus on bringing your shoulders to the bottom of your ears and SQUEEZE. Another big difference maker for me is also at the bottom rather than jerk it right back up, let the weight hang there for 1-2 seconds, just long enough to get a deep stretch and bring not right back up. You wanna see growth that's how. #iifym #flexibledieting#bodybuilding #aesthetics #physique #npc #1stphorm #legionofboom #hnsupps #gohard #neversettle #fitspo #fitfam #fitness #fitguys #tattoo #tattoos #ink #motivation #inspiration #workout #athlete #train #lifestyle #gym #muscle
docmerglfitness: I haven't done a video in quite some time so here goes. Today was back day and honestly I never work traps because they are just big naturally. But the offseason is about bettering an entire package so traps are included. I go HEAVYYY. I absolutely love that feeling. Shrugs for me are a more complex exercise than people give it credit for. How often do you see that one dude barely getting a shrug with heavy weight or the other that rotates his shoulders while doing it? 😵😵😵😵 focus on bringing your shoulders to the bottom of your ears and SQUEEZE. Another big difference maker for me is also at the bottom rather than jerk it right back up, let the weight hang there for 1-2 seconds, just long enough to get a deep stretch and bring not right back up. You wanna see growth that's how. #iifym #flexibledieting#bodybuilding #aesthetics #physique #npc #1stphorm #legionofboom #hnsupps #gohard #neversettle #fitspo #fitfam #fitness #fitguys #tattoo #tattoos #ink #motivation #inspiration #workout #athlete #train #lifestyle #gym #muscle
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