: Back into work after a 3 days break trying out something new. Heart rate went like crazy with 5 round of
10 clean at 30kg(yeah that super ugly clean)
20 situps
20lunges each leg
#sgfitfam #fitfam #workout #wod #training #homegym #sgfitness #fitness #workoutmotivation #circuit #almostpuked
: Back into work after a 3 days break trying out something new. Heart rate went like crazy with 5 round of 10 clean at 30kg(yeah that super ugly clean) 20 situps 10pushpress 20lunges each leg #sgfitfam #fitfam #workout #wod #training #homegym #sgfitness #fitness #workoutmotivation #circuit #almostpuked
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