: Good Morning! It's Transformation Tuesday, so I thought I would share a little bit about my own fitness journey! I don't have a huge weight loss story, what I do have is a big Lifestyle story! I made the decision to make my health a priority. It's been amazing! I have gained strength, confidence, energy and an overall sense of wellness, mind and body. Each year at my physical my doctor is amazed at my strength and flexibility, she tells me I am her healthiest patient! Since drinking Shakeology all of of my blood levels have come down (10 pts.). If you're ready to make your health a priority comment below "I'm ready". I'm looking for 5 women to join my next Challenge Group beginning on 📅11/30. Why wait till January, 🎁 make it your gift to yourself!! Start NOW to make sure 2016 is your best year yet! ARE YOU READY??🎉🎉🎉 #healthiswealth #healthylifestyle #loveyourself #dontwishforitworkforit