jimromig: Today's routine to help break down some aspects of the double kettle bell clean and jerk. Sets of 25-50 double cleans followed by 5 SLOW single arm half squat presses and 5 SLOW double half squat presses, with about 1 minute in between drills. Repeat 3-5 rounds. Keep that form and breath at the front of your mind. Keep deep footprints stay pressed into the earth, especially the heel and ball of foot. Think about screwing your feet into the ground and keeping them both evenly pressed for each of the three drills, not allowing the big toes to bear most of the load or overly load on one foot print. Keeping your foundation active and driven into the earth, maintain a long, flat spine that is being hugged in in by your belly button, shoulder blades, and ribs. Heart proud and lifted, chin pulled back. Half Squat presses- Keep a slight tuck of the tailbone during the half squat press, trying to stay as squared up and stacked as possible for both the single and double arm variations. Only go as far down as full footprints and a long/ flat spine will allow. Avoid sheer force in the lumbar as you press up and back, getting g the weight behind or over the hips. Press to elbow lock. Establish control of too and bottoms end ranges of motion. Double Clean- Reach tailbone up and back slightly for the double clean, making sure back stays as flat as possible and the shoulders stay higher than the hips during the hinge portion. Soles of feet stay glued and pressed into the floor the whole time. Once hips pop forward, pull elbows back like a row as the kettle bells float up to rack. Keep ass tight and catch with a little bend in the knees, thighs active. Keep kettle bells close in and high in the crotch during the hinge. Keep heart pulled up and forward as Kettlebells get "punched back" in between your legs. Match your exhales with the exertion phase of your movement. As always, do everything as well as possible. Improve on each rep. #MedBallAthletics #MBAC #WolfFitnessSystems #WolfPack #KettleBells #SlowIsStrong #MindfulFoundation #WhatsUpWithYourFootprint #ThinkFromTheFloorUp #OwnThatShit #BeSomebody #BeTheBestYou #BecomingYou #SweatyIsTheNewSexy #GetSwea