jenjenb429: This video on the left, from two years ago, popped up on my Timehop today and I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was my first ever pull ups (beautiful and graceful. I know!). The video on the right is 5/100 pull ups during Murph on Memorial Day. It's truly amazing to look back two years and see how much progress has been made. It's crazy to think about how I couldn't do half of the things that I am able to do now. In Crossfit, there's always something to improve on, something to put extra work into... you often forget to stop and think about how far you've come and to celebrate the small successes. It's easy to get frustrated when you can't do something (yet) but with hard work, determination, and persistence, you can do anything you put your mind to. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Lauren Brooks, "If you don't learn to love the process, and learn to love who you are throughout it, you won't ever be successful." Another one of the many reasons why I'm so passionate about this crazy thing we call Crossfit! #crossfit #progress #pullups #trainunphased #gains