: #TGIF Energy Fam! We're amazed by the incredible effort from all of our members across three clubs this week. With the 5 Week Body Fat Contest going strong and participants videos of this weeks Push Up Challenge flooding in we definitely encourage you to check out the 5 Week Body Fat Contest group page on Facebook for morale and tips! If you haven't seen it on the group page, we just found out that two of our instructors out of Miller Place (Marianne and Debbie) have formed teams for the Body Fat a Contest and out facing off!! Marianne's girls were up before dawn yesterday killing it to accomplish their goals! The match is on!! We can't wait to see what all of you bring to the table; 2 weeks in and 3 weeks left to go- Keep it up #TEAMENERGY #EnergySTRONG #fitfam #fitness #competition #noexcuses #justdoit #workout #workit #lift #gym #gymlife #motivation #inspiration #fitspo #fit #fitspiration #gymrat #girlswholift #exercise #legs