: HIGH-BAR SQUATS & SAFETY-BAR GOOD-MORNINGS Today I went up to a comfortable 3 rep with 160 kilos on the high-bar squat. Prior to that I did sets of 120 and 150 kilos. After squatting I did a really nice and interesting variant of Good-Mornings: I used the Saftety-bar. It proved to be very intense on the hamstrings and on the core too!! Didn't go too heavy: around 80 kilos for 5-6 reps. If your gym has a safety-bar, do your self the favour and try the Safety-bar Good-Morning!! 😃💪🏼#mohrresults #personaltraining #targetpowergym #squat #high #bar #safetybar #goodmorning #fitness #fitfam #fitfamdk #fitspo #instafit #gymrat #gym #instagram