: Can hardly believe I am getting ready to start week 7 of P90X3! This program is definitely taking me out of my comfort zone. I am noticing that I am growing stronger in the areas I have always felt week. I even upped my weights for some of my moves. Also showing that you can still workout even when you have to modify. We don't have any doorways that pull up bar will fit in so we make do with the bands. Can't wait to see the results after week 12! Also love that it only takes me 30 minutes a day and I can do them from the comfort of my own home and on my own schedule! #beachbody has made getting healthy simple and fun. #busymom #momoftwo #summerschedule #weliveattheballpark #fitmom #chicksthatlift #fitchick #workingmom #workoutdvd #homeworkouts #lifestylechange #loveyourself #weightloss #loseweight #beyoutiful #getfit #settingexamples #motivation #transformation