: Having some fun with some new video editing apps - posting workout circuits is something I've wanted to do for quite some time and if I didn't finally do it, @TimGrae was gonna put a beat down on me! Today's workout starting off with 5 sets of 5 repetitions with 285lb barbell back squats then moved on to 5 rounds of: Dumbbell 1-Arm Chest Presses (Lying on a physioball) / Barbell Hip Thrusts with mini-bands around knees / Kettlebell Swings with mini-band around ankles / 30 double-unders Jumproping. Put it in the books - tag a friend & try it yourself! #TFSTribe #WorkoutsThatGetYouFitAndFitYourLife #TFS #TFSMobileTraining #NYCTrainer #GluteExercises #DumbbellExercises #Cardio #Strength