: Every day, you have a choice. You can be the person you are, and you'd be perfect just as you are. Or you can be the person you WANT to be, and act like that person would. Make the decisions that person would make. Then you could wake up one day and realize you became that person. Do I like tuck jump burpees?? NO! But the badass I want to be loves them! So I do them and give it my all and try to smile when I'm not too out of breath! Do I LOVE being a social butterfly? Now I do! I LOVE meeting new people and talking to people and help them through their journey. I used to hate it because I was shy and socially awkward. But deep down I longed to help people. So I woke up one day and decided to do just that. And now it's who I am. Today, take the chance to become the person you want to be! #healthandfitness #coaching #coach #motivation #inspiration #takingchances