: Since I had to #motivate myself through a good lower body #workout this morning at home due to NO CAR I have to say I can already feel my legs and some DOMS settling in. You don't always need to be in the #gym with equipment to get a good work out in 😬 plus, Monte kept me company! Check out my Facebook page for full workout 👏🏻 #carproblemsstink #psychocat #Monday #NASM #PersonalTrainer #FunctionalFitness #Exercise #Move #Healthy #Health #StrengthTraining #Weightlifting #Core #Fitness #GirlsWhoLift #Muscle #Strength #OlympicWeightlifting #MetCon #Sweat #FitFluential #WestSideFunctionalFitness #Wednesday #WilkesBarre #MindfulMeditation #SelfLove #Meditate