: You may unfollow idc !! Today is Nov 27. Nov. 1 I decided to see how far I could come in one month if I stayed in the gym. Sickness took it's tole for sure but I am officially 193.8. On Nov 1 I weighed in at 207.6.😂 before y'all same dang that's a lot lol I'm 6 feet & everything on me is SOLID from that good food I ate at a young age ! You may make fun of my weight I really don't care lol ! Bullying didn't stop me in high school & it won't stop me now. I'm proud of what I accomplished so yes I will show it & when my body is your body goals we will see who's laughing 😏😂 Losing weight is no joke 😩 but if you put your mind to it you can do it! Honestly diet & cardio is important. I dropped 4.3 extra pounds by sticking to just cardio and abs the last week with a good diet. I love to cook, so my diet wasn't the hard part it's more of coming up with new ways to work out the same muscles with out getting bored lol Can't wait to see my results by my b day. No I don't use a waist trainer. #Confident #proud #fitness #fitchick #workingonit #stickingtoit #happy #justdoit #teamswirl #bwwm #workhard #hooper #athlete #alabama #lovinglife #healthy #dedicated