: HOW TO EASILY LOOK GOOD AS FUCK: Tracking your Macros STEP 1: Put your preferred dish or tupperware on a food scale STEP 2: Press the RESET button STEP 3: Place the food in a dish or tupperware STEP 4: Search up the food on MyFitnessPal and input the serving size. WALLA.... So before you tell me that you don't have time to track your macros just remember that it literally takes less than 15 seconds. 🍕WHAT ARE MACROS? - Carbohydrates, Fat, and Protein are the Macronutrients that make up our caloric intake. 1g of Carbs = 4 Calories 1g of Fat = 9 Calories 1g of Protein = 4 Calories ❓ WHAT DO THEY DO? 🍝CARBS - is our bodies main source of energy, fuelling our brain, muscles, and overall performance in the gym and in bed. 🐷FAT - is responsible for hormone production, satiety, and absorbing vitamins (A, D, E, and K) 🐔PROTEIN - is responsible for tissue repair, muscle preservation/growth (depending on if you're cutting or bulking), and is used as energy when we carbs are not available. BENEFITS OF TRACKING MACROS? YOU can account for your energy levels much more effectively YOU can account for your body composition much more effectively YOU can have a much more flexible and sustainable diet YOU can eat pop tarts and ice cream in moderation YOU can maintain muscle while dropping fat as opposed to "losing weight" which leaves you with that skinny, unhealthy look. GET STARTED WITH A CUSTOMIZED NUTRITION PLAN AT ⬇️ WWW.BESHREDDED.CA MEAL PLANS MACRO PLANS WORKOUT PROGRAMS 1 ON 1 ONLINE COACHING #BEshredded #OnlineCoaching #BEDUP #Fitness #IIFYM #PersonalTraining #MealPlans #Macros #FatLoss #MuscleGain #Bodybuilding #Powerlifting