: Felt good to get a lift & workout in late last night after work, studying, and eating a lot of food in the past week! 😅 Did a circuit of these 3 movements 4x. Included some shoulders, traps, back, delts, and bicep workouts. Definitely woke up feeling the upper body soreness this morning! 💪🏽👌🏽💕 Only a few more weeks til I start training for my next Spartan Race or Tough Mudder! But first, gotta pass this dang test before I can have my normal life back... #Determined #StayFocused #TrustTheProcess #WorkHardPlayHard #CurlsForTheGirls #BisForTheGuys #Traps #Shoulders #BouldaShouldas #UpperbodyDay #Prep #GirlsWhoLift #StrengthIsBeauty