alex610: Please excuse my sweaty, half naked self but this is a BIG deal for me. 8 years ago I had a major-ish shoulder injury. I had to stop competitive swimming. No weights. Absolutely no push-ups. Now, here I am...not dying and not in unbearable pain. Yes, my form needs to improve. Yes, I am on my knees. Yes, my arms start to tremble. But guys!!!! It still counts!!!! πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽 I'm slowly getting stronger and this is such a huge personal accomplishment for me!!! I have so much more room to go, but there's a reason why there's mile markers during a marathon. You won't reach the end without the steps in between. πŸ˜ƒ (Brownie points if you can find Mia!! 🐢😜) - - - - - - - - #proudmoment #getfit #babysteps #fitness #health #sweat #pushups #activelife #healthylife #behappy #behealthy #smile #furmom #soretothecore #pizzacraving #beachbody #workout #change #lifestylechange #doxielife