: Post Op Day 24 Rehab today at the gym consisted of the following: Floor based: - vmo contractions - straight leg raise - heel slides - leg abductions - glute bridges Glute Mini Band Circuit: - clams (bottom right) - glute bridge with abduction - lateral band walk Mini Band Circuit: - Terminal Knee Extensions (top left) - straight leg hip abductions adductions - straight leg hip flexion extensions Bodyweight: - high box squats (top right) - march onto toes - terminal knee extensions 6" box Machine resistance (for good knee): - single leg extensions - single leg hamstring curls Conditioning: - upright bicycle (20mins) Really happy with my progress - squats starting to feel more natural and no pain at all onto a high box. Glad to be given the all clear to use non-impact conditioning too (seated bike, rowing erg, x-traininer, swimming (front crawl), aqua jog. #acl #aclfamily #knee #rehab #strength #quads #glutes #clams #bike #conditioning #progress #irishfitfam #ukfitfam #eastersunday #squats #sportsinjury #aclclub #gym picplaypost