: ACL Post Op Day 40 Making Progress Again Rehab felt good today. Have been focusing on stretching my hamstring and ensuring it is well warmed up before sessions by warming up on stationary Bike. Rehab today consisted of the Following: - Bike 20mins - hamstring stretches 3x30s (pictured) - Banded TKE 3x25 - Reverse Lunge 3x5/5 (video) - lateral band walks - monster mini-band walks (video) - SL concentric squats (24" box) - Goblet squats 2x8 @8kg - calf walks - standing calf raises (bilateral) Progressed my split squats onto reverse lunges which felt grand. Also started doing goblet squats with light loads too. Stuck some good beats as my backing track for your pleasure😜🎶 #acl #aclfamily #gym #knee #rehab #irishfitfam #nike #ukfitfam #positivevibes #glutes #quads #hamstring #comeback #