: I never do front angles because of my stank face (although a step up from my deadlift squish face). Here's "narrow" stance high bar squat. I have a pretty wide competition stance so I do these 1x per week and low bar 1x per week. I forgot my phone at home so didn't get to film these today but did 👉🏻 165x5x10 followed by competition bench 125x5x10.. Programmed to be RPE 8 but really RPE10 by last couple reps. The volumez! #koenreichpowersystems #squats #highbar #usapowerlifting #usapl #usaplrawnationals #girlswhosquat #girlswhopowerlift #powerlifting #powerbuilding #powercleanfitness #poweredbyicecream #powerlifterswholulu #lululemon #roguefitness #sbd