: After a 5 minute light jog I started my leg day with this triple threat: box jumps, squat jumps and dumbbell step ups. 3 sets 10 reps. Good way to get your blood flowing and joints lubricated before attacking leg day. Legs included squats, good mornings, calf raises, leg extensions, reverse hypers and finished with 5 minutes of incline walking lunges on the treadmill, 1 minute each leg side lunge and 1 minute backwards incline jog. Incline at 15 speed at 2.5mph. Quick and satisfying leg burner 👌👌💪 Get your 100% clean Canadian sups at mycrossfuel.com discount code: Britt20 🍁😘 #fitness #fitfam #fitfriday #flexfriday #plyometrics #cardio #legday #ymmfitness #yycfitness #yegfitness #bluearmy #crossfuelperformance #startyourdayright #sweat #workworkwork #bootywork #bodybuilding #girlswithgoals #girlswithmuscle #boxjumps #ymca #woodbuffalo #canadafitness #canadiansupps #igfit #igdaily #igfitness #igcanada