sassylady1081: In honor of #FlexFriday 💪 💪 💪 when you're I'm the gym and everyone has decided that they want to use the #SquatRacks on your #LegDay here is a modification of #Squats that you can do!!! 😂 😂 😂 😉😉😉😎😎😎 #BootyToTheFloor #BootyPump #BootyPop at the bottom is a MOST!!! #BODYBUILDING #LIFESTYLE #lifting #Transformation #Training #Fitness #FitLife #FitChick #FOCUSED #GymLife #GAINS
sassylady1081: In honor of #FlexFriday 💪 💪 💪 when you're I'm the gym and everyone has decided that they want to use the #SquatRacks on your #LegDay here is a modification of #Squats that you can do!!! 😂 😂 😂 😉😉😉😎😎😎 #BootyToTheFloor #BootyPump #BootyPop at the bottom is a MOST!!! #BODYBUILDING #LIFESTYLE #lifting #Transformation #Training #Fitness #FitLife #FitChick #FOCUSED #GymLife #GAINS
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