: EXCITED!!! 🎉🎉🎉💪💪💪 I just finished my workout of my new bootcamp program today and it was exhausting BUT it was only 22 mins long which I love! Here's a sneak peek! I’m opening up a NEW accountability group ~ LADIES BIKINI BOOTCAMP ~ that will be 4 weeks long starting March 21st… 1ST WEEK of SPRING and time to train for summer clothing! ❤️👙 Now please remember that every body can go to the beach and all we really are focused on is the confidence that you wear with that swimsuit! And my support group will have everything you need to stay motivated and stick to your goals. I’m looking to support 10 women who are COMMITTED and want to see some results before summer and who would like to be HEALTHIER and HAPPIER physically, mentally and emotionally. Here is what it’s all about: ~ 22 mins of exercise a day that you do at HOME. No equipment needed, just a little space 😊 seriously I used the size of my yoga mat in my bedroom tonight! ~ Meal plans, portion control containers and nutrition guides provided. ~We GIVE YOU a sandbag to use during your workouts ~Me as your personal coach ~Private accountability group to help you stay focused Imagine being in the best shape of your life right before summer…how good would that feel?! How proud would you be?! COMMENT BELOW or send me a private message if you are interested in being one of the 10! Can’t wait to do this with you!!! #notashamedofmytummy #fitnessisaboutwearingconfidence #confidentinyourownskin #fitin2016 #summerprep #springtraining #bootcamp #wellness #nutrition #fastfunfit