: "I am dedicating my game to Coach Bridgit".. In honor of our "Shoot For a Cure" event on February 5th, each of the Marshall Tiger Girls Basketball members dedicated their game to a person who was special to them that had or was currently battling personally with Cancer. It was right after our shoot around, Just before our game that the Varsity Girl's Captains approached me, knowing how much I hate being recognized or brought into the spotlight, and asked me if I would be comfortable with the team nominating a single player to dedicate their game to me in honor of the whole team. To say this was special and an honor that brought, and continues to well my eyes with tears, is a huge understatement- but with that question, I have to admit there was a certain level of difficulty that came with accepting their generous offer.. I had to accept my name being directly related to and connect with Cancer.. I had to agree too and accept my own personal battle to the very girls who look up to me, who turn to me everyday for person growth and guidance - to the girls I have gone to practice day after day with and lead as I hid my pain from them; as I felt my leadership role included acting as Strong and positive as I possibly could-giving them my perfect effort each day just as I hope they have come each day and given to us coaches. It was hard to accept their offer as it felt selfish- and also because it proved that no matter how strong I acted or for how long I put on my "good" face, they still knew and recognized that Each day I was battling...but it was also empowering because for once, I felt like I had the power and I was the drummerboy for my cancer battlefield and I got a choice to own cancer instead of cancer owning me,and I felt I truly had a WHOLE ARMY of supports behind me... "Our team may be small in numbers.. But we are BIG in HOPE!" #fightforacure #shootingforacure #HOPE #CANCERSUCKS #emotional #fuckcancer #fightlikeagirl #BigHope #CancerAwareness #FightingTogether #picplaypost