tarryn_nettles: My #SundayFunday ! Finished my weekend off with some #power bench 4 sets of 165 x 5, accessory work (Abs & arms), and then some HIIT cardio! I'm not a fan of that steady state bs that people claim to make them lean! πŸ™…πŸΌπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ My form of cardio is on that wam- bam-thank you -ma'am level! You'll never find me at the gym in the cardio equipment, NEVER! I don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life! 😜My Philosophy is to lift heavy shit, train hard, have my training in βœ”οΈ, and also my diet through #flexibledieting. I track my #macros and believe in #nonrestrictive eating. For me, when foods are considered "off limits" or a "no-no," it makes me focus of the "no-no's," and I'm miserable and more than likely I just say "screw this" and eat what I want anyways. Flexible dieting is a success for me and allows me to be accountable while enjoying the foods I love, which is pretty much everything! It's been 7 weeks of me being consistent with training and counting my macros, and I must say, I enjoy the process while leaning out!