: Take a look at SOME of the progressions of a handstand. The first image is not even step 1, but it is an early progression. 1. DONKEY KICK- The goal here is to teach kids to support themselves upside down. As they progress and develop upper body strength, you'll see the hips continue to a more vertical position. 2. WALL HANDSTANDS- These are great for strength and spatial orientation. An often overlooked key component of the handstand is upper body strength and body control. 3. BEGINNER HANDSTAND- Allowing kids to perform handstands independently builds confidence, body control and spatial awareness. It's important to continue to have them do drills to improve body positions and form. 4. HANDSTANDS ON A BAR- Handstands can be performed just about anywhere. With practice, lots of strength and MORE practice, the handstand can turn into upper level skills. As always, choosing developmentally appropriate activities for kids is the key to success. #preschool #preschoolgymnastics #kidsfirst #activekids #fitkids #handstands