meaggylu: I am LOVING #PiYo and #DoublesMonth 💪😍 just finished PiYo #UpperBody and #Core. Success of the day: I was able to hold my side planks without modifying today! My upper body strength and joint strength are certainly improving...along with my flexibility, mobility, and posture! 😊 If you're interested in learning more about this program and joining my PiYo Challenge Group, PM me! I'd be happy to tell you a bit more about PiYo and offer you the #support and #accountability you need to reach your #health and #fitness goals as summer approaches! #Pilates #Yoga #Flexibility #Mobility #Posture #SummerReady #ChallengeGroups #TakeTheChallenge #MayPromotions #ImprovedStrength #UseYourBodyToSculptYourBody #DefineYourself #CoreStrength