: These 2 moves are posture changers for postnatal clients 👌🏼. Body after baby programs must include scapular mobility, pectoral stretching and mid back extension. Grab your foam roller and try 😳. Move 1: lie in a foam roller with pelvis neutral and rib cage drawing gently towards pelvis. Allow one arm to reach over head comfortably and scissor in the 2 arms overhead. Keep abs engaged. Repeat 30 seconds. Move 2: lie on your tummy (you may need to nurse/pump first). Keep and gently hugged on. Take an inhale as you slide shoulder blades down and gently raise your chest from the floor. Gaze over the foam roller. Don't extend into your lower back, stay small and in your mid-back. Exhale, come down. Repeat 8 times. #postnatalfitness #posture #noslouchy #restoreyourcore #bodyafterbaby #takebackpostpartum #foamrolling #fitmom