naugahide: O’ Holy Night
This is my second and possibly last mashup for the ‘23 Christmas season - time will tell if I find more uh… time. 🤪 One of my all-time favorites, I decided to do an uptempo bluegrassy version since my last one was much less so. Enjoy! And thanks for the listen!! 🎄✝️🌟👩🏻🍼
#guitar #acoustic #banjo #violin #fiddle #cello #acousticbass #pennywhistle #cajon #whistle #acapella #oholynight #christmas #musicbynaug #carols #acapellaapp #mixcord
naugahide: O’ Holy Night … This is my second and possibly last mashup for the ‘23 Christmas season - time will tell if I find more uh… time. 🤪 One of my all-time favorites, I decided to do an uptempo bluegrassy version since my last one was much less so. Enjoy! And thanks for the listen!! 🎄✝️🌟👩🏻🍼 … #guitar #acoustic #banjo #violin #fiddle #cello #acousticbass #pennywhistle #cajon #whistle #acapella #oholynight #christmas #musicbynaug #carols #acapellaapp #mixcord
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