Dasar04: #TBT Artist: Mr. Marvin Gaye Song: Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holla) Album: Whats Going On Year: 1971 It's now 2015 going into 2016 and America still seems like it's reverted back to the 70's. If you have not heard the song please look it up and really listen to the lyrics and not just the cool Maybach beat. 😎. I will leave you with these lyrics within the song... Crime is increasing Trigger-happy policing Panic is spreading God knows where we're heading Excellent Artist ~ Top 5 Dead or Alive πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ #Singer #DT #Follow4Follow #TeamMcIntosh #TeamMacMachine #Chocolatiers #PersonalTrainer #JustMyThoughts #WatchTheJourney #StickWithMe #NeedALogo #FitnessModel #Progress #Inspiration #ResultsOrientated #LaFitness #DontTalkAboutItBeAboutIt #JustDoIt #Aesthetics #Dedication #Fitness #Bodybuilding #Motivation #Shredded #NoPainNoGain #Gym #GymRat #MensPhysique #FitFarm #BodybuilderLifestyle