Zachary F.: I’ll Go Where He Sendeth Me by James Rowe and W. C. Tinsley! Love to get another soprano, alto, tenor, and bass!
Hope you enjoy!
#acapella #acapellaapp #illgowherehesendethme #rowe #tinsley #feature #featureme #hopeyouenjoy #collabwithme #satb #hymn #hymnal #fun #praisetheLord #Godbless
Zachary F.: I’ll Go Where He Sendeth Me by James Rowe and W. C. Tinsley! Love to get another soprano, alto, tenor, and bass! Hope you enjoy! #acapella #acapellaapp #illgowherehesendethme #rowe #tinsley #feature #featureme #hopeyouenjoy #collabwithme #satb #hymn #hymnal #fun #praisetheLord #Godbless
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