: After 2 months of lessons at 60/hr πŸ™„ and me yelling at her to practice, as she practices, and when she's not practicing πŸ˜‚ (DO NOT☝🏾️ judge me) here's Jadyn's progress 😁 . I tell the girls they should be giving the same level of commitment I give to fitness to their studies and extra curricular activities. Her progress is a reflection of the work she has put in (I'm sure a considerable amount of it was against her will but i don't care😐) She WILL learn to be diligent. Now if she grows up and wants to be a bum πŸ€” just know that that's not what I taught her! #progress #flute #beginnerflute #soloandensemble #practicemakesperfect #hardwork #practice