: Happy #Thursday #fitfam Sorry for the late post, but I got a late #workout in tonight. Today was a pretty great day, sans the weather. I'm discovering that the weather has a pretty profound effect on my mood. I cannot wait for a pretty day. Today, I hit a little #chest: Incline BB Bench Press: 95 x 30, 115 x 25, 145 x 20, 175 x 14, 205 x 9, 225 x 7. Flat BB Bench Press: 285 x 4, 255 x 9, 225 x 14, 195 x 15, 135 x 25, 105 x 30. Cable Crossovers: 30 x 20, 40 x 15, 50 x 12, 60 x 8, 50 x 10, 30 x 15, 30 x 12. #fitness #fitnola #jamminfit #fit #gym #fitnessaddict #fitnessaddicts