: #nevemissamonday I have a confession to make. My nutrition hasn't been the best lately and I've been slacking on my workouts. Yesterday I made the decesion that I'm going to start back up with the #21df, eat cleaner and not let the holidays get the best of me like In the past. People think that because I'm a fitness enthusiast, I don't fall off the track and I'm perfect 100 percent of the time. I'm not, and I'm far from perfect. But I'm not going to let all of my imperfect days distract me from me from my goals. Today is a new day and THE day to make no excuses, eat clean, train dirty and end 2015 with a bang💪 there's only 5 weeks left, who else is with me? #decide #commit #succeed #beachbody #fitness #health #wellness #21dayfixtotalbodycardio