: I have been criticized a lot & still get the looks, the sighs of annoyance, the continued lack of support from people who claim they are there for me. The thing people forget or maybe don't realize is that the gym saved my life. So I do not apologize for what I do. People do things for their own reasons. I chose my life. And f people don't like that I go to the gym every 6 days a week that's their problem. I'm the one who got out of a shitty marriage. I'm the one who pas my own way. I'm the one who got off antidepressants because I chose to push myself harder than I have ever pushed myself in my life. I chose to do whatever it took to get healthy. I chose me. I chose life. #thegymsavedmylife #Adele #Triceps #weighttraining #sculpt #tone #bodybuilding #healthy #fitlife #gymlife #picplaypost