: Are there people in your life that trigger the crazies? Ya know those thoughts that just make you feel upset & all worked up? Isn't it time to do something about it? This is called setting boundaries. If you don't do anything about it nothing will change. It's time to start being assertive, speaking up for yourself, boldly yet calmly. You will be tested. Guaranteed. People don't like when someone rocks their boat. It means they have to change. And change can be difficult. But good things are worth a little struggle. I always feel better about myself when I speak up. Even if my voice is quivering & my hands are sweating. It's worth it. Love, Kim ❌⭕️ KimberlyEwell.com @KimEwellCoaching on IG @KimPerryEwell on Twitter #KimberlyEwell #KimPerryEwell #picplaypost