carlynherroz: My #workoutoftheday is a #legs and #shoulders #hiit put together by yours truly. Set timer to 50/10 and so 2-3x. 1. 10 Ball Taps to squat with ball toss. (I have a resistance band around my thighs.) 2. Kettlebell swings 3. Sumo squats with shoulder press 4. Single leg deadlift with flys 5. Single leg deadlift with upright row 6. Pike abs to plank tuck to tuck jumps 7. Deadlift to front raise 8. Curtsy to L-raise 9. Single leg squat thrust to single leg chair jump. (Step up chair to make it easier) 10. Do other leg. πŸ’ͺ🏼😝😡 #glutes #legsday #cardio #hiit #plyos #liftweights #nogymnoproblem #fitmom #exerciseideas #hiitvideo #fitness #workout