kounter_kulture_fitness: Something that I feel the need to share with you guys tonight. Vascular fitness is important for blood flow to the genitals in both sexes. It has the potential to increase the strength of erections in men and the efficiency of vaginal lubrication as well as the facility of orgasm in women. Exercise improves your cardiovascular health, which in turn improves blood flow. How to fix this: • To accomplish improved cardiovascular fitness expect to train with both short and intense as well as longer and more sustained endurance activities. While infrequently considered, the sexual importance of hip strength, mobility and endurance is not hard to understand. Good hip mobility will allow you to enter into a wider array of positions, and reduce the risk of injury. With immobile hips, your body is likely to use the lumbar spine to compensate for a lack of motion in the hips. What's the problem you ask? This is problematic for a number of reasons: the muscles of spinal flexion and extension are much weaker, and repeated lumbar rotation and end range flexion and extension imposes a risk to the intervertebral discs as well as the facet joints of the vertebrae. How to fix this problem: • Train to develop both strength and endurance in hip flexion and hip extension (think of flexing and extending your hips in different positions, e.g. with your partner on top compared to standing). These will be key to achieving and sustaining the thrusting rhythm and pace that will best match both your partner and the moment. To keep you performing through a range of angles and positions, you will also train hip abduction and adduction as well as hip internal and external rotation. Last but not least exercise boost your endorphins which lifts your mood to the highest heights, and it can increase energy levels throughout the day. #GetActive. With all that was said I know there are some of you that struggle in this department. What are you going to do is the next question to ask yourself. Get up and get active with your partner! Make your relationship even more interesting than it was. #KounterKultureFitness #NotYourAverageTrainer #KounterKulture #SexDrive #Stamina #Fitness #FitFam #Cardio