shawnmodel: Woke up late this morning (for a change) and didn't have time to get to the gym. Will that stop me? No way!!! Perfect opportunity to get outside, play with some dumbbells and body weight exercises, plus get some extra sunlight and Earthing in. I ate like crazy the past few months to put a few pounds on. Summer weather makes it so easy to get outside and work with nature to lean down and feel super energized. This was one of the supersets I did. Classic dumbbell curls (I hardly ever do these, but I thought, "Suns out, guns out!" Lol.) + Body weight triceps extensions (these are way harder than they look! The further you step back from the wall (or other surface like my friend the tree here) the harder they get. It's good to change things up, so get outside for your fitness from time to time! #beyourbestself #becreative #havefun #ikickedmyownass #instagood #fitness #health #workout #motivation #modelhealth