: A lil back today @fitnationgym. Feeling lil better and got a good sweat finally. Weighed myself. The lightest I've been in years. But no worries. I expected all this. Like I said have to have a strong mind and know that you have the heart and dedication to make it back again. I've had to come back a few times from certain situations. If I or you did it before we can do it again. www. PersianMuscle.com Abbas K. #persians #persianmuscle #ifbb #iran #cardio #guru #bodybuilding #abs #shredded #dedication #olympia #fitfam #wpd #middleeast #girlswithmuscle #fitspo #iranian #persiangirls #persiangirl #shredded #hardbod #bodesquad #fitfam #dedication #eatcleantraindirty #bikinicompetition #bikinicompetitor #muscleleague #persian #npc #figure