jenfurgye: Although I had already been up and cleaned a mess of saturated carpet, amongst the filth from the bathroom and litter boxes, I didn't let that stop me from challenging myself this morning. . One positive thought can lead to a fortune of good juju, as I like to call it. I did this from starting with an hour of personal development to get my mind ready for what's to come of the day. . I'm sure after this little break I'm about to have, I'll be back down there sucking up as much of the water as I can. . Just remember to keep your head up and challenge yourself. If you want to join in on my "Bring Sally Up" squat challenge, be sure to tag me in your post! #personaldevelopment #squatchallenge #bringsallyup #superhero #cleanup #healthyishappy #workhardplayhard #stickitout #positive #positiveattitude #positiveday #fitness #health #fitgirls #fitfam #inspiration