powercakes: Friday mornings usually equal a conditioning circuit for this girl 🙌🏼✨ each week I try and mix it up! Some weeks no equipment all body weight and other weeks I add in intervals, use the rower, & add things like burpees to get the heart rate pumpin' 👊🏼✨ today was interval sprints on the treadmill followed by 5 rounds 👉🏼 1 minute on the #concept2 rower + 10 burpees. Love using body weight to use strength & conditioning at the same time 🙌🏼 try it out! #truetoyoufitness online training [kasey@powercakes.net] #fridayconditioning #strength #conditioning #fitfluential #uawomen #iwillwhatiwant #instagramfitness #rowing #row #fitness #powercakes #burpees @underarmourwomen @fitfluential