andreasemporio: Work..check!✅ Training session..check!✅ Initiate the ocean..check!✅ Wanted to share this as a final of the weekdays and I hope you all have a nice weekend! #Work #Training #Workout #Session #Initiation #Ocean #Volvocars #Weekend #Shoulder #Triceps #Body #Ripped #Shredded #Startedmydiet #Army #Sweden #Gothenburg #Nordicwellness #Men #Physique #Fit #Fitness #Strong #Flex #Shirtless #Summer #2015
andreasemporio: Work..check!✅ Training session..check!✅ Initiate the ocean..check!✅ Wanted to share this as a final of the weekdays and I hope you all have a nice weekend! #Work #Training #Workout #Session #Initiation #Ocean #Volvocars #Weekend #Shoulder #Triceps #Body #Ripped #Shredded #Startedmydiet #Army #Sweden #Gothenburg #Nordicwellness #Men #Physique #Fit #Fitness #Strong #Flex #Shirtless #Summer #2015
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