: In 5 more days, it will be 90 days Post-Op of my #MeniscusTear, #Debridement, and #LateralRelease #Surgery. I must say, my knee feels Great!!! As you can see, I have FULL #ROM. My swelling has gone down 100%. However, I am still a work out in process. As far as #weightbearing #exercises, I am about 65%, but slowly getting #stronger compared to what I was right after surgery. Trying to complete a full squat is not an option right now, without discomfort. Although, it is my #fitness #goal lol. Slowly, going up and down #stairs, at times, has its #challenges (depending on the height), but I still push myself to not take the elevators (unless there is more than 3 flights lol). I noticed that I am stronger for it. #picplaypost