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20_mendoza: How I spend my Saturday nights 💪🏽😍 this is ME. Tonight's WOD: For time: 80 squats 70 push ups 60 single leg squats (30 alternating) 200 single unders 40 OH squats #65 30 HSPU 20 Thrusters #65 10 butterflies #WOD #CrossFit #PeopleThinkCrossFittersCantDoStriftPullUps #ThinkAgain #FitFam #FitLife #Inspire #Motivate
20_mendoza: How I spend my Saturday nights 💪🏽😍 this is ME. Tonight's WOD: For time: 80 squats 70 push ups 60 single leg squats (30 alternating) 200 single unders 40 OH squats #65 30 HSPU 20 Thrusters #65 10 butterflies #WOD #CrossFit #PeopleThinkCrossFittersCantDoStriftPullUps #ThinkAgain #FitFam #FitLife #Inspire #Motivate
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