: That bench progression!! So much improvement in just a year, it has become my favorite and most confident lift! Even over the squat!!!! 😁 the first video was 11/2/14 my depth was shallow, I had zero tightness, I let go after each rep, it was just a total mess and I hated everything about it!!! Fast forward to today's rep test to determine where my 1RM is and I hit the same weight for 10 reps!!!! It puts my estimated 1RM at 140!!!! Pretty freaking crazy for me! #1rm #reptest #ph3 #strength #strengthtraining #powerlifting #training #tbt #benchpressing #thatspotter #spottergainz #gettingstrong #trainsmart #strongmom #doesyourmomevenlift #sheshould #coupleswhotraintogetherstaytogether #swolemates