m.f_fit: Tonight's leg day was BRUTAL!!!! Triple drop set sumo squats, deep bar squats (ass to grass), deep leg presses and walking lunges are one sure fire way to make you crawl out of the gym!! #fitlife #fitfam #htfu #fnf #flagnorfail #isymfs #bodybuilding #mensphysique #asthetics #skullzandbarbells #squats #squattillyoudrop #neversettle #trainharderthanme #legday #igworkouts #muscle #powerhousegym #fitness #legslikekegs #latenightworkout #legpress
m.f_fit: Tonight's leg day was BRUTAL!!!! Triple drop set sumo squats, deep bar squats (ass to grass), deep leg presses and walking lunges are one sure fire way to make you crawl out of the gym!! #fitlife #fitfam #htfu #fnf #flagnorfail #isymfs #bodybuilding #mensphysique #asthetics #skullzandbarbells #squats #squattillyoudrop #neversettle #trainharderthanme #legday #igworkouts #muscle #powerhousegym #fitness #legslikekegs #latenightworkout #legpress
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