: Dynamic vs Static Stretching: I'm old-school in many ways. The stretches I was taught in high school & college for Track & Field were mostly static stretches (meaning the stretch was held for "x" seconds). I performed static stretches before my training for years. I still ended up straining or pulling a muscle or ligament doing it this way. I now perform dynamic stretches (motion propelled stretches for full range of motion) before my workouts, and after a warm-up. I now perform my static stretches after my workout & cool down session. A cool down session prior to static stretching is advised to allow proper blood flow venous return & reduction of heart rate. Since I've trained in some Wing Chun Kung Fu, I actually perform my forms along with my dynamic training after a brief warm-up. I find it helps prepare & focus both mind & body for the coming training session. How do you guys warm-up? #fitblr #fitness #warmups #dynamicstretching #staticstretching #kungfu #wingchun #training #performance #fitfam #muscle #trackandfield #exercise #iforgepro